New 1JZ Project, 1970 MS51 CROWN Hard Top.

CROWN Classicsへようこそ!
今回紹介するのは、最新1JZ Project の MS51 ハードトップ です!
Welcome to the CROWN Classics!
Here is our brand new 1JZ Project CROWN Hard Top!
今回紹介するのは、最新1JZ Project の MS51 ハードトップ です!
Welcome to the CROWN Classics!
Here is our brand new 1JZ Project CROWN Hard Top!

今回の ハードトップ の 1JZ プロジェクト 、ショーカー の ハードトップ は、なんと初めてです。
Building a Show car Hard Top is rare as no other Hard Top was made by CROWN Classics for long time.
As far as I can recall it is the first one.
Building a Show car Hard Top is rare as no other Hard Top was made by CROWN Classics for long time.
As far as I can recall it is the first one.

MS51 クラウン ハードトップ は、クラウン 50系で初の2ドアハードトップ車としてデビューします。
The MS51 CROWN Hard Top was released in 50series, while the Early model had different front end and Tail,The shaping on side and roof was same.
The MS51 CROWN Hard Top was released in 50series, while the Early model had different front end and Tail,The shaping on side and roof was same.

The Hard Top has different Look, equipped with Square Head lights with Center Grill and surrounding Grill Moldings on tip of hood and fenders.
The bumper also feature Over riders too.
The Hard Top has different Look, equipped with Square Head lights with Center Grill and surrounding Grill Moldings on tip of hood and fenders.
The bumper also feature Over riders too.

ハードトップ には、タコメーター や純正で スポーツ カー のような ハンドル と、インテリア も豪華さがでていました。
Hard Top had added value and featured different interior.
The in dash Tach Meter and Sports car like Steering Wheel were added.
Hard Top had added value and featured different interior.
The in dash Tach Meter and Sports car like Steering Wheel were added.

そして純正 フェンダー ミラー を外して、カマロ ミラー より小さいサイズの GT070 サイド ミラー に変更。
Hard Top had front fender mirror originally and we have changed to our mirror, Smaller than 67-69 Camaro Mirrors. GT070 Mirror
Hard Top had front fender mirror originally and we have changed to our mirror, Smaller than 67-69 Camaro Mirrors. GT070 Mirror
そして、重要なのは、車高とホイル。今回王道の定番となりつつある DAISY ですが、17インチ に リア は深めの ホイル を履いています。
The most important feature is Wheels and height. The Style came close to the authentic.
"Daisy" 17 inch wheels with deeper rear wheels.
The most important feature is Wheels and height. The Style came close to the authentic.
"Daisy" 17 inch wheels with deeper rear wheels.

クラウン は、グリルや回りの プラスチック モール の色で雰囲気がガラリと変わります。
リアの ガーニッシュ モール の色もそうですね!
The CROWN Grills can look different with Color of front Grill and plastic surrounding moldings.
Also same with rear garnish moldings.
リアの ガーニッシュ モール の色もそうですね!
The CROWN Grills can look different with Color of front Grill and plastic surrounding moldings.
Also same with rear garnish moldings.

こちらが 1JZ に換装した エンジンルーム 、これがオリジナルの クラウン から スイーパー に生まれ変わった姿となります。
もちろん、ショー カー のきれいな仕上がりにもこだわりを忘れず、改良に改良を重ねた姿です。
1JZ Engine swap for turning original CROWN into Sweepers on street but still not losing the Clean look to be a show cars.
Thank you for reading! We will add more news on blog as we go on.
もちろん、ショー カー のきれいな仕上がりにもこだわりを忘れず、改良に改良を重ねた姿です。
1JZ Engine swap for turning original CROWN into Sweepers on street but still not losing the Clean look to be a show cars.
Thank you for reading! We will add more news on blog as we go on.